Wednesday, 21 November 2007


To take the next step would be to talk about the development of the game. This isn't an interesting step to many, if any, so it is reasonable to gloss over it. I've been writing lots of C++ code*. Instead I thought I'd look at what has been running though my head before I started writing code.

When I started considering this project I had an interest in games, an interest in progressive uses for the medium, and ideas of a grand future of games. The mindset that I started looking at my project was drastically different. Building the game was to me the logical conclusion to over a year of learning C++ and OpenGL. In an attempt to break away from a standard approach I sat down and thought really hard.

I started seeing ideas all around me. They played upon each other, changing, multiplying, and generally developing into something different and interesting.

I would have liked to have developed my idea on a concept, as piece of art exploring reality. In a way it may have. The exploration of breaking from mainstream games and understanding why people play games (and why I want to make them).

* here's the slightly less short version for those who really care: For the first few weeks I played with ideas of building a standard program framework from which I could spring new ideas into life with a matter of days. I haven't previously, and am on this occasion using a games library to help build my game. That got so far, but since I have neither the time, nor inclination to rewrite large sections of my code to be more flexible , it has been put to rest. It wasn't waisted time though, all the code I have written will be used in one way or another. Ideas change, scale scope mostly.

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